Monday, February 27, 2012

Know About the Important Vitamins and Minerals for Strong Bones

The bone system provides proper protection and structural support to body organs such as the legs, brain and heart. Minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium are stored in bones when body requires directly supply from here.

Minerals are important for strong bones, it is also important for growth of bones. Calcium, potassium, magnesium are important minerals, these are available in fruits. Calcium available more in dairy products like milk, cheese.

Vitamins A, D, E are beneficial for strong bones.

Vitamin A is important, for bone growth and repair of bones. Its helpful in both cell division and differentiation. It is more in animal products like liver and eggs and its more in leaf vegetables also.

Vitamin D is helpful in balancing the calcium and Phosphorus metabolism in the body. It is thus helpful in getting strong bones. This is plenty in sunlight, milk, fish lever and oily fish.

Vitamin E is an important biological antioxidant, that reduces the cell damage with preventing free radical attacks. It is available in vegetables, nuts, oils and green leaf vegetables.

Proper diet habits and regular exercises are helpful for strong bones.

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