Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Air Purifiers Act as Asthma Controllers

The attack of asthma can be a scary experience for many asthmatics. They may experience a loss of breath, wheezing and coughing. But, the asthma patients can greatly benefit from air purifiers, apart from their regular medication.

Air purifiers can help to reduce the amount of asthmatic triggers found in indoor air. Most air purifiers use high efficiency particulate air filter, or HEPA filters indoors to eliminate toxins in the air. These filters are also able to filter the pollutants from air that can trigger the asthma attack such as mold spores and dust mites. The filters found in most air purifiers can absorb 99.7% of all contaminants in the air that are 0.03 microns in size or larger. The particles that are 0.03 microns and larger include most of the toxins and can trigger an asthma attack.

Mold spores and bacteria present in indoor air may leads to asthma attacks. Once the mold or bacteria enters in to the lungs it is possible that an asthmatic will experience an attack due to these toxins irritating the lungs and breathing passageways. If mold and bacteria are not completely eliminated from the air, they have the ability to grow back and circulate in the air again. These can generally grown anywhere but are mostly attracted to damp conditions. The only way to completely extinguish mold and bacteria from the air is through the use of air purifiers. The air purifiers are able to absorb mold spores or bacteria that are found in the indoor air and stop their circulation. When no mold spores or bacteria are present in the air, asthma sufferers are able to breathe easier without worrying about an attack.

Clean indoor air is the first step for controlling the asthma attack.

Related Links:
Air purifier

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