Sunday, December 25, 2011

Purchasing Air Purifier for a Beauty Salon

In beauty salons, the owners and the workers/beauticians spend more time than the customers. Beauticians use different types of chemicals for styling or dying the hair. This results in the release of pollutants and the secondhand smoke, degrading the entire air quality. This poses severe health problems to the people present in the salon. It causes allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems. Hence, it is very much required to install an air purifier in a salon.
Installation of air purifiers is a wise decision but it requires the right selection of suitable air purifier for salons. Choose the air purifier which has the below mentioned important features.

HEPA air purifiers: HEPA systems are strategically strong at air purification. These systems are efficient ones which prevent pollutants to the extent of 99.97% to improve the quality of the air.
Targeted chemical removal and smoke removal: The main objective of installing air purifiers is to prevent the chemicals from the surfaces. Keep in mind to select the most suitable system which removes chemicals from surfaces. Similarly systems need to have more capacity in preventing the secondhand smoke into the surfaces.
Right system for space (Portable): Select the system which is suitable to your work space. Select the capable one which maintains surface with quality air. Prefer the portable systems which is suitable for closer spaces.
Continuous running system: Give the priority to more capable system which work for longer times. Select the system which works for 24 hours without the break.
Easy maintenance: Choose the system which requires low maintenance, these systems require low risk at maintenance.
These are the important features to be looked for while selecting the air purifiers at salons.

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